Virtual prototype of 3D modeled and printed Acoustic Shelves

  • Svetlana Zikic
  • Responsive
  • Deadline completed
    The submission process for new proposals is closed. Proposals submitted before the deadline will follow the standard evaluation process.

Desired outcome

The initial and exact challenge is suffering of our users caused by excessive noise disturbances which prevent to achieve optimal of work productivity in open or any workspaces due to colleagues talks especially with low to medium voice frequencies. Due to that we designed Acoustic Round and Wall shelves, while Wall shelves have been produced in-house with 3D modeling and printing manner. For any or both models we plan developing virtual prototype presentation.

Svetlana Zikic
Svetlana Zikic

Initial Problem Description

We address to the team to help with virtual presentation of the physical prototype - Wall module, as well as Round module based on drawings, optionally. The virtual presentation should showcase the product in three dimensions with showcasing its acoustic impact and features on the working ambient.


The challenge arises as our need to create a highly effective visual presentation and demonstrate our product in the most technologically advanced way. We need and want to achieve greater visibility online, or to be able to showcase the virtual version of our innovative solutions at various exhibitions and events.

Connection to cross-cutting areas

We are in connection with Circularity, by using ecoplastic as 3D filament for production of Wall shelves.
With virtual presentation, we want to connect and use digitalization process in our marketing communication with the market. Beside, we see this possibility useful for our R&D section, to be used for further products development. .


We have already developed some basic scenario of how we would like to make a virtual presentation, moreover we have done some work regarding the challenge. What we really need is more guidance, advice, another outside insight and more competence to improve it. Visual demonstration should be combined with acoustic/sound tests and screening.


We expect to develop final virtual demonstration or presentation with the team we should work together. Apart fro this challenge we expect motivated team or person, willing to learn if needed. In addition we could extend our cooperation if this solution would turn to be successful. In general we look for long-term collaborations.

Desired Team Profile

Yes, that should be professionals and/students who have competencies, expertise, and already have experience in similar cases, even if they worked in companies, as freelancers or in student groups. We expect an IT/Computer science background with additional competencies in VR or AR visual presentations.

Additional Information

Competition in acoustic control and acoustic furniture or other acoustic stuff sphere exists, it is not large, but market is in a rise, it is demanding and seek for high quality products. For now we haven't seen good visuals of products. They must pay attention to the business people we address, which are providers of workspaces or other open interiors, including end users, people who work or spend time in such spaces.

Related Keywords

  • Visualisation, Virtual Reality
  • Vibration and Acoustic engineering
  • Acoustic safety
  • Sustainability
  • Digitalization
  • Computer Graphics Related
  • 3D

About Svetlana Zikic

Acoustic Technologies is an engineering and a design startup company which developed technology that absorbs and regulates an excessive noise pollution in open interior spaces. The technology is combined with a special curved shape design and integrated into office furniture aiming to enable more effective work, creating a more pleasant environment, positive impact on human health and non-disturbing acoustic environment.
We are on a mission to create acoustic well-being for enhanced productivity and comfort.


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