Market and trend analysis for an energy efficient office building in a Hungarian county capital

  • Gábor from 
  • Responsive
  • Deadline completed
    The submission process for new proposals is closed. Proposals submitted before the deadline will follow the standard evaluation process.

Desired outcome

Because of Covid, spreading HO trends are affecting the office building market. Related deeper research: what trends to expect in the near future.

Initial Problem Description

Better occupancy of offices and conference rooms, possibly improving the comfort of current tenants. Business opportunities can be found in the field of energy savings; the increase in demand for energy efficient office buildings and the focus on sustainability creates business opportunities for real estate market players. Market and trend analysis helps to identify the demand for energy efficient office buildings, the preferences of potential tenants and buyers, and the activities of competitors. Financial benefits: the operation of energy efficient office buildings can provide financial benefits in the long term. Increasing energy efficiency can reduce energy use and maintenance costs. Market and trend analysis helps to identify investment opportunities in energy efficiency.


An office building is given, the goal is to achieve 100% occupancy and tenant satisfaction, social utility and acceptance. The office building has vacant offices on various floors, that are waiting to be rented out. They are available for rent to anyone, in different parts of the building, on different floors and in different sizes according to the potential tenants' needs. The company's capacity in this area is about 70%, we would like to assess what the market competitors offer, what are the needs and expectations of the potential clients and what can we expect based on market forecasts and our own data collection.

Connection to cross-cutting areas

New, previously unknown opportunities may be related to the area of digitalisation. A comprehensive analysis of market demands will support our goal to reach the maximum automation and digitalisation of processes in office buildings, such as internal communications, building energy management, security systems and customer service. Modernising and digitising office buildings can make operations more efficient and sustainable while increases competitiveness and strengthens the position on the market.


Decline of office rental, trend of Home Office that is start to relapse in the post-covid time. No scenario has yet been developed for the office building and its current challenges, as the development of the premises has recently been completed. The current structure has only recently emerged. The building needs a real estate market analysis strategy, knowing which metrics to look at and how to use online tools and in-person visits requires the knowledge about the market and the analysis of emerging trends in the sector.


Implementability, providing information to become more cost effective, devlop expertise and experience in data and market analysis. Also, constant communication and collaboration with the company, flexibility, a proactive attitude and the search for creative solutions. The team should aim to maximise customer satisfaction and success beyond the delivered solution.

Desired Team Profile

Expert knowledge, as team members must have expert knowledge of office building design, operation and optimisation of occupancy.
Data analysis and forecasting skills, as the team should be able to analyse and forecast data related to office buildings. For example: analysis of occupancy data, rental rates, market trends and economic indicators.
Creativity and innovation, as they must be able to offer creative and innovative solutions to achieve better occupancy. This may include office building redesign, introducing flexible working ideas, using smart technologies and developing customer-oriented services.
Project management skills, customer focus.

Additional Information

Gallery of the office building on the website:
In addition, the contact person will continuously assist the team, providing them with the requested and necessary data to achieve the result.
He will comment on the plans and ideas sent to him by the team, give timely feedback in case of disagreement and support the search for new ways forward.

Related Keywords

  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Sustainability
  • Digitalization
  • Communications
  • Consumer related
  • Other
  • Finance, Insurance and Real Estate



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