Find the key persona for Brygge and design a successful marketing campaign incl. landing page for them

Desired outcome

Find the key persona for Brygge – a social impact fintech – based on market/trend analysis and design a successful marketing campaign targeting this persona, to scale Brygge quickly. Be as selective as possible in your analysis and description. An absolute must is to present the analysis and the result in a verifiable, fact-based manner and not based on your own (often prejudiced) assumptions. The more precisely/closely/clearly the key persona is defined, the better it should be addressable by a marketing campaign, including specifically chosen channels and a landing page designed solely for this persona. This ensures that any external campaign ideas 'pick up' the key persona directly on the Brygge website.

Brygge GmbH

Initial Problem Description

For our 50plus centric product development we initially simplified our personas to a large extend, separating between persona group (a): 50plus, male/female, and already using online-banking, persona group (b): 50plus, male/female, not yet using online-banking as well as persona group (c): de-prioritized though (!) – 75plus and already under the care of relatives via bank power of attorney. We only excluded financially savvy, high-earning individuals who already follow every digital trend and are well covered by the financial market today with 'standard products'. Looking at our persona groups (a) and (b) only, we are still targeting a huge group of Germans 50plus who is psychologically complex. The spectrum between types is huge/diverse, talking of types, such as (1) Total deniers of digitalisation vs. going with general tech trends, (2) Total deniers of online banking for data privacy reasons vs online banking users, (3) Financially overwhelmed vs. good financial resilience, (4) Susceptible to scams/consumer traps/fake bargains vs. careful and smart in dealing with financial chances, (5) limited financial literacy/information about financial/market facts vs. very well informed about finances, (6) Lonely <-> well-connected with family and possibly caring for 75+ relatives, (7) suffering from old-age poverty vs. wealthy. Our broader campaigns so far tried to make sure, not to exclude people in these spectrums as well as to avoid that for example Brygge is perceived as a 'boring' product for seniors. Therefore we put more emphasize on Brygge's added-value beyond an easy-to-use banking front-end. Those broader campaigns for persona group (a) and (b) did not yet click with our target group. So now we plan to concentrate the target group based on facts in order to be able to address a smaller specific group in a more centric and therefore more successful way on short- and long-term.


Brygge provides Banking with comfort for German speakers in their 2nd half of life, i.e. who are 50plus, male/female with our without online-banking experience and our main product traits are:
- Brygge works on top of every German Bank (no switch, open banking technology)
- Users connect own and/or bank accounts that they take care of (tandem-banking).
- Clear usability and language.
- Data minimisation.
- Independent financial/consumer knowledge matched with everyday life, while scrolling through transactions.
- We share warnings about financial risks.
- 100% ad-free, i.e. we do not sell financial products as a solution to risks
- Although we are neutral, we are affordable for everyone, as one pays € 0,- / 4,- / 8,- or 12,- for our monthly subscription depending on ones income.
- Our free trial ends automatically

Depending on the persona targeted, the product can be complex and must be described in a way that matches their needs. Some traits could influence them negatively (e.g. I am not/ do not feel old / I'm not stupid when it comes to finances/ online-banking). Based on a deep market/consumer/psychologic analysis a fact-based decision is needed to decide, which key persona could be the 'fast adopter' to Brygge mainly on short term but also in the future, using which targeted message(s).

Connection to cross-cutting areas

The initial Call that INDUSAC is connected with "Call: A HUMAN-CENTRED AND ETHICAL DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL [AND INDUSTRIAL] TECHNOLOGIES 2021 (HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01)" is a perfect description of the Brygge purpose mission as a profit-for-impact fintech: Brygge fights ageism in the financial (technology) industry by providing banking with comfort, i.e. equipping users with human-centric banking, ad-free financial tips, and anti-rip-off features for lifelong participation and optimistic handling of their finances.

For many years now financial technology innovations have centered around the same group(s) of people – young, finance-savvy, mid- or high earners, following every digital trend. Why? Well, the statistics regarding software developers* are clear: 92 % of them are men, 76.6 % are White or European, while 4.3 % are aged 55plus and another 4.3% have a physical difference, the majority being blind or having difficulty seeing. What about banks and insurers? Well, there are not even such statistics to quote from. Diversity awareness is still in its infancy in the industry.

Brygge is a fintech innovation for German speakers who have not grown up with digitization. Who find financial stuff rather boring or online banking annoying – or people who are not even banking online yet. Who sometimes get annoyed because they fall into bargain traps or do not recognize an online fake shop at first sight. People who are maybe stressed by their finances or perhaps on top by caring for the finances of their family's elders, and face new financial questions in their 2nd half of life, that means we target people aged 50plus. Brygge provides Banking with comfort for them.

So we connect with digitalisation as well as general sustainability, as we foster the S in ESG. Growth for us means successfully scaling our measurable impact by means of KPIs based on 8 SDG targets (and 4 SDG goals).


Yes. As part of the kick-off, we can provide statistics as well as own lessons learned that we have already gathered for the German market, this includes:
- statistics on income
- statistics on online banking usage
- financial literacy findings
- ui & ux needs
However, we would try not to influence the students team, so they have room for own ideas and conclusions.


There are a few DOs and DON'Ts from our point of view


- Scaling trust
- Think beyond online marketing
- Talk to parents, grandparents, people 50+
- Test Brygge Banking, e.g. with our demo bank and current (and drafted) landing page(s) by yourself or jointly with 50+


- Thinking in unrealistic budgets for a startup team (more focus on content that works on all channels than e.g. only through TV commercials, etc.)
- Serve prejudices, pigeonhole thinking
- Appear dubious (sensitive topic of finances)
- Ignore social impact mission and Brygge values

Desired Team Profile

Actually, an interdisciplinary team from marketing, psychology, technology, finance, adult education, ESG/social affairs would be ideal for us, but that is certainly difficult to realise. So we are open for teams from all of these backgrounds.
The most important skills for this job are actually independent of academic background, i.e. analytical skills, empathy and the ability to think outside the box.

Additional Information

We aim to work B2C first for ongoing human-centricity of our product, however, this does not exclude B2B2C cooperations with (social) multipliers to scale trust. The challenge results could include – but should not be limited – to communication chances through such cooperations with multipliers, e.g. by stressing that certain messages derived for the key persona could be catalyzed by including specific coop partners as multipliers.

Related Keywords

  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Education and Training
  • Sustainability
  • Digitalization
  • Consumer related
  • Consumer Services
  • Education and educational products and materials
  • Other
  • Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
  • Banking

About Brygge GmbH

Brygge is a profit-for-impact fintech from Germany, fighting ageism and other discrimination factors in the financial (technology) industry by providing banking with comfort, i.e. equipping users with human-centric banking, ad-free financial tips, and anti-rip-off features for lifelong participation and optimistic handling of their finances.


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